OffShore Corporate Travel Operations

Centralized Ticketing Desk
Our Centralized Ticketing Desk aims to bring the required talent pool at one place and service our overseas travel agents. With deep domain skills in one place, we are able to offer high standard deliverables. Also, while doing this, we are able to drive our clients’ every cost-saving initiatives to their corporate travelers. Gone are the days of multiple locations and administrative nightmares. Technology bridges us and the client closer although processes are handled far off. Whilst we handle this, the clients spend their time productively for scaling up their business.
Though far off apparently, technology takes us closer to the client for a better understanding and transparent functioning.
Unused Ticket Tracking
UTT (unused ticket tracking), the most cumbersome of all tasks though, could fetch the client’s best value for money. It’s often a meager percentage, still remains ubiquitous with every airline, and in every country. With our expert team who have immense knowledge in tracking this chunk, start investigative accounting from the entire lot of issuance, day in and day out, and get the same realized into cash flow. We also send an analysis report, which will enable the client to take timely decisions.

Refund Processing
“Delayed Refund is NO Refund” we can say. And this will also lead to delayed receivables and other customer credits, if not processed on time. Our expert team can facilitate speedy SLA based clearance of refund processing requests to ensure that credits are received from the concerned on a fast track. This ensures speedy recovery more effective credit control, and better cash flows for all stakeholders.